Catalyst Collective

28 subject lines for your next email campaign
Woman writing an email subject line

Looking for your next email subject line?

The best subject lines are the ones that catch your subscribers’ attention and pull them in. Keeping it short and action-oriented is the first step in a strong email campaign.

Save these ideas for your next campaign!

Call for Donors

1. You donate, we’ll match.

2. Help us fund the fight against cancer.

3. A little donation goes a long way.

4. Help us make a difference – Donate now.

5. Join us in fighting hygiene poverty!

6. Be the change you wish to see in the world.

7. Your donation can change lives.

8. Make a lasting impact with a reoccurring donation.

End of Year Giving

1. Give the gift o dignity this holiday season.

2. TODAY ONLY – Donate & recieve limited edition tote.

3. Help us build tomorrow by starting today.

4. Want to know the power in a $10 donation?

5. We need $1,000 by midnight – Can you help?

6. Donate today & we’ll match tomorrow.

7. Time is running out – Donate today!

Event Invite

1. Save the date – Fundraising Gala

2. Fundraising Gala: All donors welcome!

3. Fundraising Gala is THIS MONTH!

4. Tickets on sale now – Fundraising Gala

Call for Volunteers

1. Be the change – Sign up to volunteer!

2. Change the future of tech as a volunteer this summer!

3. We are in need of volunteers this weekend!

4. Volunteer today, change lives tomorrow.

Expressing Gratitude

1. We couldn’t have done it without you!

2. Look at the difference you made!

3. Your donation changed lives.

4. You helped us reach our goal!

5. The world needs more people like you!