Catalyst Collective

Case Study: Knowing when to refresh your website

Have you really looked at your website lately? We mean, REALLY looked.

Is your website missing information? Are you unable to make edits easily? Has your brand changed? Do you cringe when people visit your website?

If you answered “yes” to any of those questions, it’s time to refresh your website! For our friends at the Diverse Learners Cooperative, “yes” was the answer to the first two questions, making a website refresh with Catalyst Collective the best course of action.

We started by asking how the team felt about their current website and where they hoped to go.

What about your current website feels outdated or unaligned? → Too many pages, information is inconsistent, more impactful marketing materials are available than what is on the website

What problems do you run into with your current website? → Can’t navigate/easily update backend of website when new events/information is available

What content is missing from your current website? → Credibility! More information, more case studies, more intentional marketing communications

How do you want your new website to impact your organization? → Drive users to the work and get them involved. Communicate our founding story and why we exist!

Once we understood their organization, values and expectations, we got to work! You can find the fully refreshed website here.

Are you looking to refresh your website? Contact us today to learn more!